ALL Artist

  • Chen Hengyu
  • Resume
  • Article

1986 Born in Henan Province, Zhengzhou City

2011 Graduated from China Academic of Arts with a Master’s Degree

Member of China Hue Art Association

Member of Beijing Gong Bi Zhong Cai Hua Hui




"The Whisper of Silk" to the Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists of Fine Brushwork , Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen

“Silk-Painting Language” in the Modern Meticulous Painting Exhibition, Beijing

“Journey through time” in the Exhibition of Chinese Academy of Meticulous Art, Beijing


I am obsessed with the olden, minimalistic aesthetics, and the traditional oriental painting tools and techniques. By using ancient brushes to render and superimpose layer by layer. However, ancient civilization has changed the change and practice of humans. Our way of life is completely different now, compared to the past and we have also learnt to be adaptable in order to survive. We have learnt to accept and enjoy modern living which also brings more possibilities to life. At the same time, I also love the colorful visual components of our modern society and the perception of personal ideas and values. I started questioning myself, how can I combine the two different art styles that I enjoy so much? How can I effectively blend these two aesthetics? My questions were answered when I met an art group called “New Ink, New Meticulous Brushwork”. The concept of “Resurrecting the Traditions” gave me empowerment, and quickly opened up a passage between ancient and modern art in my heart, and that was my breakthrough. Through it, I was able to freely express myself. just want to continue restraint in contemporary life through this ancient technique and incorporate the beauty of minimalism in our daily lives.
