ALL Artist

  • Deng Jincheng
  • Resume
  • Article

2016-2019 University of Technology Sydney, Bachelor of Business

2020-2021 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Master of Fine Arts

2024-Current University of Melbourne, Phd Student, Fine Arts


Solo Exhibitions


Suturing, Library at The Dock, Melbourne, Australia

Sleepy, MPavilion Parkville, Melbourne, Australia

After Rain, TCB Gallery, Melbourne, Australia


Invisible Wall Project, Office of Octo, Haikou, China

Walls Have Ears,Sol Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Off the Beaten Track, Airspace Projects, Sydney, Australia

Here They Are,Test Sites program, Melbourne, Australia


Square Game:Transcendental graphics, Scratch Art Space, Sydney, Australia



Selected Group Exhibitions


The Invisible Wall Project: Part Two, Office of Octo, Haikou, China

London Contemporary 8th, The Line Contemporary Art Space, London, UK

HOHO Art Festival, Guizhou, China

Group show : BARE, Sol gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Relationship, London craft central, UK

Renewal, FAC Open Exhibition, Frankston Arts Centre, Melbourne, Australia


Wallless Kindergarten Art Festival, Haikou, China

Wonder Land Exhibition, Sanya, China




New Public Arts Curating Award, Wonder Land Rural Innovation Curator Competition




‘Everything has disease – An exhibition of Li Bo’s work’ Curator, Buzhi Arts, Haikou, China

We are caught in two winds: Island co-writing project –Published by Pukou Factory Co-writer, Nanjing, China

Octo folder Independent Magazine – Published by Pukou Factory, Chef editor, Nanjing, China


Crystal Freedom, collective workshop series, Initiator, Haikou, China

Triple Ruins group exhibition,Co-curator Shangbang Plaza, Haikou, China


Professional Development

2022-current Asteroid Club, Editor, Haikou, China

2022-current Office of Octo, Founder, Haikou, China

2024-current HAIR ARi, Co-Founder, Melbourne, Australia 


Jincheng Deng is interested in how objects can be manifested with independence, autonomy and sociality in art. He works with quotidian objects in everyday settings, to call for collective scrutinisation on the quotidian environment. Objects in his works can be a bed, a vacuum cleaner, a banana, or even humans.

Through manipulating the presentation of objects in installations, his works try to evoke explorations of human’s functional and psychological constructions of objects. That is, the ‘utilisation in imagination' - each person’s special at-hand utilisation booklet about ‘what and how I am going to make use of this?’.

Deng’s output is to engage human and non-human actors, to explore symbiotic relations between objects, and to create new perspectives of objects for everyday life. In recent project ‘with’, he has produced installations that sutured organic and inorganic objects to navigate the phenomenological and ontological existence of everyday objects.
