ALL Artist

  • Deng Qipeng
  • Resume
  • Article

1997 Born in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

2022 Graduated from the Visual Art Department of Albertina Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor´s degree

Currently works and lives in Shenzhen




Musical Chairs, Organhaus, Chongqing, China




Phoenix Rising From the Ashes - Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Shenzhen University Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

Time Zone of the Bay Area: Media and methods of images, Lianzhou, China

Dynamic Refresh, Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China

Where Time Forks – Contemporary Art Exhibition of the Bay Area 2023, The Mountain View, Shenzhen, China

Between Inside and Outside, Zaixiang Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

The Fading Spaciousness, Bargehouse, London, UK

Winter Exhibition, EDA Space, Shenzhen, China


Mitologie Digitali, Museo del tessuto, Prato, Italy

Transcend Synesthesia, Zhuhai Powerlong Art Center, Zhuhai, China

Rediscover The Aesthetics Around You, Todtown Xspace, Shanghai, China

Co_vid: Wir im Um_bruch, Galerie KUB, Leipzig, Germany

BLOSSOM, Zhuo Art Museum, Suzhou, China


15th National Art Prize - time of travel, Masedu Museum, Sassari, Italy

Logic of Sensation, OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen, China

Side By Side, Castello Svevo, Bari, Italy

Non-existent BoundaryZERO° Art Center, Zhengzhou, China

Bidirectional Intervention - International Exhibition of New Intermedium Interactive Art, Jingchuang Art Space, Nanjing, China

Linger, Zero To One space, London, UK


My creative endeavors primarily encompass sound, installations, visuals, and theater. I am dedicated to exploring the expression and transformative capabilities of sound in space and the interactive experience of walking in relation to the environment. Within these explorations, I strategically incorporate narrative threads addressing themes such as production, immigration, cultural borders, and more. Through extensive and comprehensive collection, I utilize sound and signals as a foundation, creating an interactive exploration experience through the lens of a Narrative environment.
