ALL Artist

  • Li Jing
  • Resume
  • Article

Born in Linfen City, Shanxi Province, China

Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art from Shanxi Normal University.

Graduated with a Master’s Degree in Oil Painting from Tianjin Academy of Fine Art.

Living and working in Beijing




2022 Fable of A Dream  Lijing Solo Exhibition, Youth·Art·Space, Chengdu, China

2020 Safe Distance  Lijing Solo Exhibition, September Art, K11 Guangzhou, China




2023 the 8th Art Central, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition CentreHongkong, China

2023 2023 T&ARTCON, China ship hallShanghai, China

2023 Vibrant – Invited Exhibition of Youth Artists, YONGLE SPACE, Beijing, China

2022 Maple Forest – Contemporary Art Exhibition, DG ART SPACE, Shanghai, China

2022 T ART CON, South Bund old wharf Renaissance five repositoriesShanghai, China

2019 Guangzhou Design Week WOOART Art Festival, Guangzhou Poly World Trade Fair, Guangzhou, China

2019 Fantasy Night, Will Space, Beijing, China

2018 Mirror City, Medo Art Space, Beijing, China

2018 Touch – Contemporary Art Works Exhibition, Box Culture and Art Society, Beijing, China

2018 Hi 21 Art Beijing·Young Art Fair, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

2017 National Young Artist Annual Exhibition, Shanghai Himalayas Museum, Shanghai, China

2017 The 1st Art Shanxi Fair, Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

2017 Hi 21 Young Art Fair 2017, The Grand Summit, Beijing, China

2016 Byart First Exhibition of Young Artists’ Works, Xi Ying Yin She Art Museum, Hangzhou, China

2016 IVY Art 2016 Chinese Young Artists Annual Exhibition, Tianjin Art Museum, Tianjin, China

2014 Art’s New World, 2014 (Zhongshan) 1st International Shapers Fine Art Expo, Zhongshan Exposition Center, Guangdong, China

2014 Youth. A Passion to be Homage – The Young Artist Exhibition, Sunshine International Art Museum, Beijing, China

2014 Beyond three worlds: The absoluteness of conception, 5 Art Center, No.1 International Art District, Beijing, China

2013 Potential Art – Young Artists Group Exhibition , Art 110, Beijing, China

2013 The Exhibition of Artists’ Plan and Sketch, Jiu Ceng Gallery, Beijing, China


The reform and opening up of the 1980s was a time of dramatic social and cultural change in China. The end of the Cultural Revolution and the introduction of modern culture from Europe and the U.S. intertwined the shadows of the Cultural Revolution with the free growth of culture, and the 1990s saw the introduction of McDonald's and Coca-Cola, the rise of consumerism and popular culture, the tidal wave of fashionable information coming into China, and the introduction of video games, U.S. and Japanese animation, which have changed the lives of a generation, and in particular, have shaped the basic values of the entire post-1980s generation.

Also known as the "one-child" generation, the 1980s and 1990s were a time of growth for them. Loneliness, detachment, and a sense of distance from others have become the recognizable characteristics of this generation's personality. Due to the lack of playmates, they prefer to immerse themselves in "self-play" with toys in a corner, and tend to "self-communicate" or "keep quiet" when expressing their emotions. "

 Li Jing is an artist born in the 80's. When looking at Li Jing's works, the character traits of an "only child" and the imprint of the times are obvious. For example, he treats most of his paintings as a solitary person, and focuses on the depiction of this person in front of his case, as well as the anthropomorphization of the toys scattered around and their indifference to each other. The figures tend to be portrayed in an ambiguous mix of classical realism and cartoonism, and the mood of the figures focuses on the state between certainty and uncertainty, especially the "uneasiness" that is emphasized consciously or unconsciously in the images. Each of Li Jing's images is characterized by a sense of "posing". The patterned scenes are like a play on a fixed stage. Most of the characters have round faces, red cheeks, and red noses; they look like clowns' squirming and drunken tenderness; they look like crying frames and cold wrappings; and they are in a trance-like state of thought.

 Li Jing's works precisely convey his relationship with his living environment, sometimes tense, sometimes comfortable, sometimes skeptical, sometimes agreeable, sometimes erratic, sometimes firm, "uncertainty" and "multiple readability" may be the common value tendency of this generation.


- Li Xianting (Art Critic)
