ALL Artist

  • Li Xiaotong
  • Resume
  • Article

1993 Born in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province

2016 Graduated from the China Academy of Art with a bachelor´s degree

2023 Graduated from the Central Academy Of Fine Arts with a master´s degree

Currently works and lives in Beijing




OCEAN SENSORS - Science&art Exhibition For Ocean, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

ON THE JOURNEY OF ART - Artopia creation, JOY CITY, Beijing, China

FRESH POWER - CAFA Graduation Season, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China


NIGHT FALLS, PLEASE CLOSE YOUR EYES, Night Owl Store, Beijing, China

SENSORY REMIX - Joint exhibition of young artists, Y Gallery, Shenyang, China

MANGBA ART FESTIVAL, Cai Jiapo village, Xi’an, China

ZHENDAOLIXING, China-japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China


S×D Creative Laboratory achievement Exhibition - Swedish Embassy, Beijing, China


PRACTICE×PAROL×PASSAGE - Graduation Exhibition of CAA, CAA, Hangzhou, China


ZERO-BIAS, CAAM, Hangzhou, China


My artistic creation is rooted in the context extended by my family history, and I have explored the direction of urban space and daily life transformation. I often focus on the creation core of "anti-consumption", "anti-landscape" and "psychological distance", and at the same time, I combine new creative techniques such as new materials, programming and special imaging techniques to create. In recent years, he has mainly explored the integration of art and science.

Artistic creation surrounds me as much as I focus on Daily life, and it is making me look at everyday life anew.
