ALL Artist

  • Wang Haoyang
  • Resume
  • Article

1997 Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province

2019 Graduated from the Oil painting Department of Art College of Sichuan University with a bachelor´s degree

2022 Graduated from the Oil painting Department of Art College of Sichuan University  with a master´s degree

Currently works and lives in Chengdu and Chongqing


Group exhibition

2023 Seeds in the Wind - Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Huxi Commune Mid-Residency Group Exhibition, Huxi Commune, Chongqing

2023 ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai

Forest Road, ISLE Gallery, Shanghai

2023 Reunion - Beijing Contemporary Art Fair, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing

Luo Zhongli Scholarship, Mango Art Museum, Changsha

2023 abstract, Hiart space, Shenzhen

2022 Spring Hi21 New Art Market, Kuntai Jiarui Cultural Center, Beijing

2022 Future Vision -- Excellent Graduation Works Exhibition of 2022, Art College of Sichuan University, 2022 Sichuan University Art Museum, Chengdu, China

2022 Droopy Eyes -- [Art × Design × Psychology] Interdisciplinary Experimental Art Project-The second 2022 exhibition, Sichuan University Art Museum, Chengdu

2022 Xishan Companions -- the Inheritance of Art and the Context of Creation, Qionglai Art Museum, Chengdu

2022 The 2nd National College Students Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

2022 The sixth Shanghai Youth Art Fair, Shanghai Mart, Shanghai

2022 Walking Discourse - Multi-Media Practice Workshop, Sichuan University Art Museum, Chengdu

2022 "NYA" Art Project Second Conductor, X Space, Chengdu


Wang Haoyang's works seek fleeting fragments from the daily captured electronic images, anduse them as an entry point to reshape the current sensory experience as well as a channel toconnect his own memory, in order to sensitize the visual experience generated by presence in theonline context and the form of memory. The deconstructed imagery in the work shatters the real, decaying it into flat repetitive sequences directed towards the cognitive dissonance causedbycross-section and refraction. In this process, the compressed images tamper with theprerequisites of memory and perception, demonstrating a transcendental translucency.
