ALL Artist

  • Zhu zhu
  • Resume
  • Article

2002 Born in Nanjing, China

2020 Graduated from Nanjing International School with High school diploma of IB

Currently studies in the City University of Hong Kong, Majoring in Media & Communication, Minoring in Art History and Archaeology



2023 September – November

Enlighten, Ban Zhe Tang Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Nanjing 


My exhibition artworks are part of the series <Enlighten>. These works are inspired by the experiences of life. My works integrates the scenery seen in life and depicted in mind. The work combines traditional Chinese ink materials with elements of Western realism and abstraction. This series attempts to depict the unique Asian cultural heritage seen in China and elsewhere with the material of brush, and references the techniques, styles and colours of Western painting. Most works in these series contains a plant, such as plum blossoms representing the city of Nanjing, or plants and flowers that can be seen occasionally on the street, which were be recorded in this series, expressing the connection and intimacy between human and nature. I hope that the use of ink and Chinese painting pigments can reflect the culture and feelings experienced in life. Referring to and merging the style of Western abstract realism.
