Chi Qun: "L ine" is the vessel of my self -
expression. Isolated from th e context of specific objects, the element of line
is used in this image in a pure and straight for ward way. With a
habit of deconstructing the paintings I encountered in my life down to their essential forms - extracting, processing, and
transformingtheir meaning in the process - I eventually developed this particular, idiosyncratic painting language. Through
line, I express my feelings of life with sense and vitality, tapping into the possibility of infinity. Among the diverse forms of
expression available in contemporary art, the use of line is a relatively
rational method, embodying a calm and composed life at titude based
on the pursuit of simplicity. This particular ar twork was modified continuously, in a process that saw me blend my various
emotions over time. After painting, markin g, and polishing, the final appearance
is an accumulated reflection of myself.