ALL Artist

  • Lei Mingna
  • Resume
  • Article

1978 Born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province

2002 Graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Graduate Course

Currently works and lives in Beijing


2011 Seven Young Artists VA Gallery | Hong Kong

2009 Inks Exhibition Mobaotang Gallery | Harbin

2008 China - China Elson Gallery | Dallas USA

2006 Free Style PIFO Gallery | Beijing

2005 Chinese Korea Works Exchange Exhibition

2004 The Tenth National Art Exhibition

The Chinses Art Association Second National Minority Art Exhibition Chinese Art Association


Lei Mingna: My series of wo rks, entitled "Ru Kiln", were created due to my fondness for horses and tea. People who are fond of Ru kiln will take the time to nourish it slowly wit h tea water, waiting for the charm that passing time will endow it with. I wish to record my feelings brought by the colors and texture of this ritual, either by painting on the subject of tea, or using tea water itself in the process of painting. Meanwhile, I love horses and painting them because they are silent friends of mankind. Gentleas well as courageous, they maintain a noble and reserved charac ter. To me, drawing a horse is just like drawing a half-cup of tea. It is a subject that allows me to draw with a calm mind and therefore draw as myself.

