ALL Artist

  • Wu Jie
  • Resume
  • Article

1989 Born in Yunnan

2013 Graduated from the New Media Art Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Currently works and lives in Chongqing


2014 2014 Art Nova 100 National Agricultural Exhibition Hall | Beijing


Wu Jie: Hutou (literally "Tiger Head") Village, known also as HutouShan (Tiger Mountain), is located near Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province in Southwestern China. It is a place filled with coalmines and heavy industry plants, where local farmers are forced to switch jobs to earn a living. In turn, many suffer ailments, yet they receive no compensation. Wang Huai'en, who worked here as a miner for 20 years, was diagnosed with cancer. His employer offered no money to help him. There are many more like Wang in this village, who have no choice but to su ffer in the face of cancer, dying slowly and silently. After Wang passed on, his wife moved elsewhere with their son, stating that Hutou was "too boring". Her son is now a migrant worker.
