ALL Artist

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W² Group

Wang Xiaohan

1987 Born in Karamay, Xinjiang Province

2012 Graduated from the Mural Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor´s degree

Currently works and lives in Beijing

Wang Rui

1982 Born in Zhengzhou, Henan Province

2006 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor´s degree

Currently works and lives in Beijing




2016 Art Nova 100, Beijing, China

Full Screen - Shadow Play, Tang Guo Club, Beijing, China


Phantom - Reflector Band Stage Device Art, Tang Guo Club, Beijing, China

Connected - Dart Installation exhibition, National Exhibition and Convention Center,

Shanghai, China


Shadow Play, the Post Mountain, Beijing, China

WArt group: Wang Rui and Wang Xiaohan began to use this name in their joint creation .For our artistic creation as a group, we try to work with a variety of art forms, such as electronic music, dance, and stage art. We explore the language of forms in play-element, using comprehensive materials and handmade fabric as turn of expression, handling space as main creative objects, and constructing a space for imagination and variety emotional atmosphere.