Feng Boyi

Curator, Art Critic


Many of the participants in “Art Nova 100” are current students or recent graduates of art schools. There is no way for me to know exactly what these students are thinking about or what their concerns are. Certainly there are some excellent young artists among the participants. However, from a critical perspective, we can also recognize some underlying problems in the art education system. I see many unique works that defy description and demonstrate pursuits of genuine curiosity, but most also lack a basis in reality, concept and logical thinking. A significant problem in evaluating and discussing these works is that the artists engage such a range of styles and forms at one. It is unclear whether a nationwide platform like “Art Nova 100” can actually help the progress of art by young artists in China.


Regarding the selection of works for this exhibition, I believe the works should first reflect the current state and ideals of today's young artists and second explore issues that may open new possibilities for art. I have found that many young artists are full of uncertainty about their work and artistic practice. As a result, their work is overly complicated and disordered. I hope that the “Art Nova 100” exhibition presents these problems with unflinching honesty and provides young artists with new reference points to guide their future development and thinking. An exhibition like this should not merely present an array of works. It should also reveal problems and issues for artists and audiences to consider.


Today, we see a great deal of disorder among our young artists, who face an incredibly complex era and the devastation of ecological systems and our surrounding environment. These young artists of the "fast food culture" lack clear direction and ideas. They are surrounded by so many images and possibilities, that they have no foundation to decide where they should go. Young artists must first be clear about what they want and what their concerns are. What they choose to focus on could be anything, but their creativity and artist practice require clear ideas if they are to develop.